Project: Job-Tracker


Job-Tracker Web App


The Job-Tracker Web Application is a powerful tool designed to help job seekers manage their job applications and resumes. Whether you’re actively searching for new opportunities or simply want to keep track of your career progress, this app has you covered.

Github Repository:

Key Features

  • Application Management:
    • Users can manually add job applications, including details like company name, position, application date, and status.
    • A clean and intuitive interface ensures easy data entry.

  • Why Track Job Applications?:
    • Self-Monitoring: Regularly track your application activity to gauge your job search consistency.
    • Data-Driven Insights: Analyze your application history to identify patterns and areas for improvement.
    • Evidence-Based Decisions: Use real data to adapt your job search strategy effectively.

  • Challenges Addressed:
    • Information Overload: Applying to multiple jobs daily can overwhelm anyone. Our app simplifies tracking.
    • Excel Limitations: While Excel sheets are common, they lack specialized features for job tracking.
    • Customized Solution: We’ve built an app tailored specifically for this purpose.

How the App Helps:
  • Follow Similar Profiles:
    • Discover other job seekers with similar backgrounds and interests.
    • Leverage their insights and learn from their experiences.
  • Efficient Job Search:
    • Limit your daily job search to 2-3 relevant positions.
    • Avoid wasting time on irrelevant listings.
  • Focus on Skill Development:
    • Spend less time hunting for jobs and more time enhancing your skills.
    • Invest in self-improvement rather than endless job searching.
  • ATS Bypass Tips:
    • Our “Hint & Tips” section provides strategies to bypass Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).
    • Learn how to optimize your resume for better visibility.
  • Company Database:
    • Never forget about companies you’re interested in.
    • Maintain a database of potential employers for future reference.


The Job-Tracker Web App streamlines your job search, empowers you with data-driven insights, and ensures you stay organized throughout your career journey. 🌟

